Hello there! Thanks for stopping by!
My name is Skids and I am the official 2019 Spokesdog for Blue Lion Rescue. I am one of the many abused, neglected, special needs and (potentially) unadoptable dogs here at Blue Lion. Blue Lion believes that there is a "right" forever home for nearly every dog, but sadly orphans are easier to find than are right forever homes. Someone is always left standing when the music stops, but the beauty is ... if you listen closely you will hear the sound of a forever home coming over the horizon.
As the Blue Lion 2019 Spokesdog, I have been given a paragraph here to tell you my story. Sadly, it's not as unique as people would like to believe. I am one of the many abused, neglected, potentially unadoptable dogs who would have died without Blue Lion. I came from another state to be given my first chance for a life without senseless cruelty, pain and fear. My story isn't unique, but sadly it is not that uncommon. I have been burned with cigarettes and it's apparently entertainment to watch me jump and scream when they burn me. I have also repeatedly been beaten unconscious as another form of adult entertainment. I have permanent neurological damage, as well as PTSD, trust issues and chronic pain from the abuse. I could go on and on. Apparently, all of this was to make me a mean dog to "guard" the "clubhouse". Wow, and people think animals are stupid. Did I mention I have difficulty trusting people? Imagine that.
Blue Lion provides sanctuary for animals like me to rest, heal and maybe even learn to trust. Ideally, they would like to find amazing homes for all of us amazing survivors of hideous physical and psychological abuse, pain and neglect. Look around you. Life is still full of miracles and sanctuary is a miracle as well. One needs only see the miracle that takes place when a dog like me begins to realize that the bad times are truly over.
And then one day, the person we have dreamed of actually comes on property and they stop in front of a kennel and it's like the stars blaze into alignment and one of us realizes that "their person" is here. It is to be in the presence of a miracle. A tentative hand reaches out and a shy nose comes slowly forward to touch that hand and in the same moment a dog and a person look one another in the eye and understand "this is the moment my life has been waiting for" ... and it is the most wonderful experience anyone could ever ask for...
Every animal at Blue Lion has its own story, but suffice it to say there is no happy ending for animals like us without places like Blue Lion. Everyone thinks they know what it costs to rescue, feed, provide love and medical care to rehabilitate the hearts and souls of the animals that come to us. Trust me "everyone" has no clear idea what it costs and that's why once a year, we come to you to beg for money to keep our rescue afloat so that the miracles have a place to happen. Perhaps buy one less Christmas gift and instead write a check to donate to the animals here at Blue Lion. We all deserve to live without fear and with enough to eat and good medical care. Please be a part of Blue Lion’s miracle mission and donate to us to continue to rehabilitate and save the dogs who have no voice and no choice.